Artichokes with butter and lemon

Realizada porCREATE
Artichokes are a delicious ingredient that has only one drawback: the laziness that comes with cleaning them. With this recipe we are going to make our life easier, since we will do it after cooking them. What do we get with this? Remove the outer leaves in a much easier way than when the artichokes are raw, simply by pulling them down. In this way, we will also remove the outside of the stem, while keeping the inside tender and sweet. To accompany them, a butter with a citric touch.
Servings 4 people
Prep Time40 mins
Tiempo de cocinado35 mins

Productos con los que prepararla


  • 750 g 6 medium sized artichokes
  • 60 g of butter at room temperature
  • 30 g 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 3 g Grated peel of half a lemon
  • Salt
  • Pepper


  • Cut the base of the artichoke stem and wash it.
  • Add 1.5 l of water to the glass of the Chefbot and program 35 minutes at 120℃ (activate the steam function) speed 0, with the deep steam basket closed. After 7 minutes, open the glass, add the artichokes (be careful not to burn yourself with the steam) and put the lid back on.
  • At the end of the cycle, open the basket (again, carefully) and press the base of some artichokes to check if they are a little soft. If they are ready, remove them. If not, programme a 5-minute cycle and try again (if they are not yet ready, repeat).
  • While the artichokes are cooling, mix well with a fork the 80 g of butter with the 30 g of lemon juice and its grating (about 3 g) until an emulsion is obtained.
  • When the artichokes can be handled without burning, remove the outer leaves by pulling them down. If you want to eat them with leaves, place the artichokes on the tip of a board and cut them in half lengthways, from the base (if you want, for a few seconds in a frying pan or hot plate on the inside).
  • If you want only the heart, without leaves, cut them near the base.
  • Dress with citric butter, salt and pepper and serve.

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